Jared Reed

CEO at Pan Galactic Digital

If there had to be a king of the data nerds at Pan Galactic, Jared would wear the crown. His obsession with data and problem-solving is so great that he has to set timers to keep himself from going too-too far down the information rabbit hole!

Starting his career when Yahoo was powered by Google, Jared began his journey in organic and paid search (SEO and SEM) and now is the guy you want in your corner for all data-informed marketing initiatives. He has been a beta tester for Google and Bing and is a knowledgeable and fun* speaker to have at marketing conferences. He can banter with the best of them at Google and break down complex algorithms or concepts for the ‘layest’ of lay people.

He has and continues to lend support to both small- to medium-size local, St. Louis based clients as well as Fortune 500 clients across the US and internationally.



  • CEO

    Current role