Paul Bailey

Chief Technical Consultant at Patriot Software

Paul Bailey serves as Chief Technology Consultant for Patriot Software. Paul has worked for Patriot since 1991. He began as an intern while earning his degree from Stark State College.

Back in our early startup days, before the modern-day internet existed, Paul began working as a Software Developer writing software applications for desktop computers that could only be updated with 5 ¼-inch floppy disks. Over the years, Paul has continuously retooled himself and various teams to write web-based software that services tens-of-thousands of American businesses.

Today, Paul stealthily travels under the radar in Patriot looking for inefficiencies and better ways to solve problems with technology.

On a personal note, Paul has savored over three decades of wedded bliss with his high school sweetheart, and they survived raising 4 children together. He has enjoyed coaching youth basketball for the past 20 years and spends the rest of his (very little) free time exercising, playing video games, and going on weekly dates with his wife.


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