Paul Quinn College


Paul Quinn, one of the most innovative small colleges in America, is a private, faith-based, four-year, liberal arts-inspired college that was founded on April 4, 1872 by a group of African Methodist Episcopal Church preachers in Austin, Texas. The school’s original purpose was to educate the former... Read more




Org chart

Michael J. Sorrell

Lamont Smith
CEO, Quinnite School Network
Kizuwanda Grant
Chief Administrative Office
Richard Peters
Chief Academic Officer & VP of Academic Affairs
Lola Esmieu
Chief of Staff
Chris Shropshire
Special Assistant to the President
Brian Evans
VP of Athletics & Athletic Director
Kimberly Horne
Co-Director, Professional Development & Staff Training
Tajae Brown
Director, Food Service, Events & Retail Operations
Jeffrey Meade
Director, Every Quinnite
Paola Ortiz
Executive Assistant to the President
Glenda Davis
Campus Nurse
Evelyn Mayo
Urban Research Initiative Fellow

Board & advisors