Marita Alonso Romero

Author Of The Book Antimanual De Autodestrucción Amorosa at Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial

Marita Alonso Romero has a diverse work experience in various media outlets as a freelance writer specializing in fashion, culture, entertainment, and pop culture. Marita has written for publications such as Smoda, Icon, Elle, Glamour, Yo Dona, Cosmopolitan, and more. Marita is also an author of two books, "Si echas de menos el principio, vuelve a empezar" published by Editorial Planeta in 2020, and "Antimanual de Autodestrucción amorosa" published by Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, S.A.U in 2017. Additionally, they have worked as a teacher for the MBA Fashion Business & Law program at Garrigues and as a screenwriter for ZOOPA. Marita has also been involved in the TV industry as a commentator for Cazamariposas and as a TV reporter for Vanitatis. Marita has experience as a fashion director at Desigual and as a coordinator and fashion editor in chief at El Confidencial/Vanitatis. Prior to that, they served as an editor in chief at CuoreStilo.

Marita Alonso Romero attended Universidad Complutense de Madrid from 2003 to 2008, where they obtained a Licenciado degree in Comunicación Audiovisual.
