Mandy Burage

President at Petra Coach

Mandy Burage is all things Petra. Her passion lies in helping individuals grow personally through direct feedback and defined next steps. She’s spent her career surrounded by the Rockefeller Habits and has experienced more huddles than the average human will in a lifetime. Mandy is a certified DiSC trainer and currently runs Operations at Petra Coach. Since joining the team in 2012 as employee #2, she’s experienced the growth of both Petra and herself throughout this near-decade journey.

For six years, Mandy served as an Accountability Coach, working with companies to reach their full potential and holding them accountable to their goals. Traveling cross country while building and growing the Petra Team fueled her desire to constantly level up in her life and career and always look for a better way to get things done. Now on the Leadership Team, she has her hand in a little bit of everything – working to make each day an experience for Petra Members and Team Members alike. You’ll never hear her say the word “try,” and she might even surprise you on your planning day to lend a helping hand.

Prior to working with Petra Coach, Mandy used Rockefeller Habits to lead an inside sales department at Resource Communications Group. In her first year, she doubled the team’s sales by focusing on what needed to get done, by whom and by when.
