The Engineering Team at Petroleumstilsynet is responsible for ensuring the safety and regulatory compliance of petroleum operations throughout all project phases. This includes assessing engineering designs, overseeing construction practices, and evaluating drilling technologies, while providing expert guidance to maintain high standards of safety and environmental protection in the industry.
Arnt-Heikki Steinbak...
Principal Engineer
Bahram Momeni
Senior Engineer
Bente Hallan
Principal Engineer
Camilla Fostenes
Sjefingeniør Boring Og Brønnte...
Damir Mihajlovic
Eivind Hovland
Sjefsingeniør Principal Engine...
Elisabeth Lootz
Principal Engineer
Gerhard Ersdal
Principal Engineer
Nina Ringøen
Chief Engineer Drilling Wells ...
Siv Adelheid Gjervik...
Principal Engineer Drilling An...
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