


PETRONAS, short for Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Malaysian National Oil Company Inc.), is a Malaysian oil and gas company that was founded on 17 August 1974. Wholly owned by the Government of Malaysia, the corporation is vested with the entire oil and gas resources in Malaysia and is entrusted with th... Read more





Org chart

Tengku Muhammad Taufik
President & Group CEO

Tengku Muhammad Taufik

Adif Zulkifli
EVP & CEO, Upstream
Adnan Zainal Abidin
EVP & CEO, Gas and New Energy
Jukris Abdul Wahab
EVP & CEO, Upstream
Liza Mustapha
EVP & Group CFO
Ruslan Islahudin
VP & Group CHRO
Luis Omar C.
Chief Risk Officer (cro)
Rashidah Alias
Vice President Group Procurement
Razman Hashim
SVP, Group Legal & Group General Counsel
Mohd Yusri Mohamed Yusof
SVP, Project Delivery & Technology
Marina Md Taib
SVP, Corporate Strategy
Bacho Pilong
SVP, Malaysia Petroleum Management
Nur Ashikin Khalid
Company Secretary
Charlotte Wolff-Bye
Chief Sustainability Officer
Ts. Sazlina Ahamad
General Manager
Ismadi Ismail
Chief Executive Officer Of Petronas Carigali (turkmenistan) Sdn Bhd