Pivot Point International


If you’re considering a career in the beauty industry, shouldn’t you earn your education with one of the largest networks of hair and beauty schools in North America? Pivot Point International Academy has been training hair designers for over 45 years and utilizes a team of international experts to... Read more


Chicago, US




Org chart

Robert Passage
Chairman & CEO

Robert Passage

Bob Sieh
Sr. Vice President
Javed Fouch
Director of Information Technology
John Bernin
Senior Director of Digital Innovation and Asset Management
Nina Brooks Cyrenne
Executive Vice President, Finance
Sabine Held-Perez
Vice President of Education
Yolly ten Koppel
international Creative & Technical Director
Katy O'Mahony
Assistant Vice President, Human Resources
Alyse Delgado
Director, Brand Marketing
Corey Passage
Assistant Vice President Marketing
Jan Laan
VP Intl Business Development
R.W. Miller
Vice President of Sales - Field Education
Janet Fisher
Sr. Director, Education and Research
Vasiliki Stavrakis
Senior Director, Educational Research