Gordon Hardwick

President at PlaceSpeak

Gordon Hardwick brings decades of community engagement experience to PlaceSpeak. After working for 15 years in location management for motion pictures he was hired by the Province of BC in 1999 to coordinate the development of a community relations strategy at the BC Film Commission. As Manager of Community Affairs 1999 - 2013, he led the effort to develop supportive production guidelines and policies at the local, regional, provincial and federal government levels. He also led industry initiatives including Reel Green and Partners on Screen. When the BC Film Commission was transformed into Creative BC in 2013, Gordon led in the development of the new brand, website, a new solutions for location image asset and production issue management.

Gordon was an early adopter of PlaceSpeak, having seen the value of authentic engagement when dealing with issues related to film production activity. As an early investor, he was convinced that with the right technology development PlaceSpeak could be a game changer in the world of place based citizen engagement. Gordon is excited by the opportunities afforded him as President of PlaceSpeak.



  • President

    Current role