Kiran C K

International Design Jury at Planned Parenthood

Kiran C K has a diverse range of work experience in the field of design and creativity. In 2018, they served as an International Design Jury for Awwwards, recognizing and promoting talent in the digital design industry. In 2019, they became a jury member of The Webby Awards, which honors excellence on the Internet. They also worked as a Judge for The Lovie Awards, celebrating online excellence in Europe. Kiran C K has been involved in various judging roles, such as being an International Judge for the UK Creative Festival and a Judge for the Shorty Awards, recognizing great content in the digital and social media realm. Additionally, they have served as an Awards Judge for the International Awards Associate (IAA) for the Muse Creative Awards and Vega Awards. Kiran C K's expertise extends to being an Awards Judge for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America's Gail Awards and an International Design Judge for the Indigo Design Award. They have also obtained the role of an International Member in the ADCE - Art Directors Club of Europe. In 2023, they will be taking on the role of Director of User Interface (Contract) for The Brink Agency.

Kiran C K has a diverse education history in the field of design and arts. They attended IDEO in the USA for an unspecified duration, focusing on Hello Design Thinking. In 2022, Kiran enrolled in an online course called Awwwards Academy, where they pursued a degree in Design System. This course lasted until 2033.

Before these experiences, Kiran attended the Kerala School of Arts, where they obtained a Diploma in KGCE Fine Arts. They also participated in an online course offered by Scott Eaton in London, specializing in Art/Art Studies, General.

Kiran engaged in a Design Thinking Workshop at Geo P George, and their education also includes a diploma program at Keltron Animation Campus. The diploma, known as PDAVM, concentrated on Design, Entertainment, and Media Management.

It should be noted that some start and end years for their education are not provided, and any information beyond the given experiences cannot be assumed.



  • International Design Jury

    February, 2023 - present

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