Leadership Team


The current leadership team at Plotlogic has a wide range of experience in different fields including business administration, computer systems, finance, mechatronics, robotics, and automation engineering. They have worked at various companies such as Collabaloop, Immersive Robotics Pty Ltd, QUT Business School, Dassault Systèmes, OpenBet, GroundProbe, Queensland University of Technology, Invensys Rail, Anglo American, Xstrata Coal, Rio Tinto, Oodar, Boeing Research & Technology, Melanoma Patients Australia, Konica Minolta Business Innovation Centre - Asia Pac, and Konica Minolta Australia. In addition to their professional experience, the team also has educational backgrounds from universities such as QUT (Queensland University of Technology), UNSW Business School, The University of Queensland, and Monash University.

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