Elie Deeb

Senior Business Analyst at Portas Consulting

Elie Deeb is a Business Analyst based in the Middle East.

Prior to joining Portas, Elie was a consultant for Meta Meta, a company providing research and consultancy services in water governance. He developed, in collaboration with governmental institutions, a strategy to sustainably increase efficiencies within the pest management industry in rural areas of Ethiopia, India and Cambodia, creating job opportunities and increasing income generated by small enterprises. While he volunteered for the Youth Harvest Football Club, Elie designed a strategy to enable sports events in the Netherlands to fund the club’s operation in the long term.

While volunteering for the Youth Harvest Football Club, Elie designed a strategy to enable sports events in the Netherlands to fund the club’s operation in the long term.

Elie obtained his Master of Environmental Sciences from Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands.

Elie is passionate about sports. He led his high-school and university varsity football teams. He also enjoys skiing, American football, basketball and extreme sports.