Public Broadcasting Atlanta


For Atlanta, that cultural force is Public Broadcasting Atlanta (PBA). WABE 90.1 FM and ATL PBS, bring NPR News, music, the arts, and PBS programming to hundreds of thousands of listeners and viewers each year.




Org chart

Jennifer Dorian
President and CEO

Jennifer Dorian

Zachary Brown
Executive Vice President Of Development
Cynthia Green Jubeark
Senior Director Of Media & Business Technology
Emily Richter
Senior Director Of Events Business Management
Alison Hashimoto
Senior Vice President Of Studios
Samuel Delaney
Chief Financial Officer
Sherri Daye Scott
EVP Of Audience Development And Engagement
Alay Mehta
Chief Technology Officer (cto)
Kenneth Brown
Chief People Officer
Glenda Davis
Senior Vice President, Membership
Mike Halpin
Senior Vice President Of Regulatory Affairs
Sheilah Watts
Executive Assistant To CEO