Jacquelyn S. Fetrow

Director at QuantumBio

Dr. Jacquelyn Fetrow has served as a director since the company’s founding. Dr. Fetrow holds the positions of Professor of Chemistry and Provost and of Vice President of Academic Affairs at the University of Richmond in Richmond, VA. Dr. Fetrow also currently serves on the Executive Council of the Protein Society, an international professional organization. She, and one of her colleagues, won the 2006 Wake Forest Teaching and Learning Center Innovative Teaching Award for developing a bioinformatics software solution through an innovative course. Prior to her position at Wake Forest, Dr. Fetrow served as Chief Scientific Officer and Director of GeneFormatics, a biotechnology software company, for five years where she played a key role in developing company strategy, raising over $50 million in three funding rounds, building to a 65-person organization and merging of the company to another biotechnology software company in 2003. Dr. Fetrow co-invented GeneFormatics’ primary technologies and holds a US patent for those inventions. In previous positions, she served on the faculties of The Scripps Research Institute for two years and the University at Albany in New York for seven years. At Albany, she received both the Chancellor’s and President’s awards for excellence in teaching. Dr. Fetrow earned a Ph.D. in biological chemistry from Pennsylvania State University.