CEO and Executive Team


- Universidad de Navarra - IESE Business School, MBA- Stanford University, B.A. in EconomicsThe executive team at Quotanda has a wide range of experience in different industries and fields. They have worked as summer associates at SJF Ventures, analysts at Signet Capital Management, consultants at WSP Environment & Energy, and guest lecturers at Vlerick Business School. They have also been founding members at Nasco Tech Code Made In Africa, sustainable development researchers at National Taipei University of Technology, innovation researchers at, engineering managers at Cloud Technologies Consulting, and Jr. developers at Trayecta Sistemas. Their educational backgrounds are just as diverse, with degrees from Multiply School, Ventas especializadas, promoción comercial y actividades de marketing; Universidad de Navarra - IESE Business School, MBA; and Stanford University, B.A. in Economics.

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