Hasian Sinaga

Director, Community & Workforce Empowerment at RAMS

Ms Sinaga, with over 25 years of community services, has significant experience in leadership roles of vocational and peer employment programs. She formerly served as the RAMS Director of Vocational Services. During her tenure, RAMS Hire-Ability Vocational Services program achieved great accomplishments through outstanding reaccreditation surveys through CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities), commendable external program reviews and successful expansion and implementation of program services. She is a strong advocate for consumer empowerment through training and peer employment as well as a promoter of the Wellness & Recovery Principles.

Prior to RAMS, Ms Sinaga held previous leadership positions at Toolworks, Kainos, and Family Housing & Adult Resources(FHAR), all organizations whose mission is to support individuals with disabilities, communities struggling with behavioral health challenges and marginalized individuals such as those exiting the criminal justice system, experiencing homelessness, and new immigrant populations. Ms. Sinaga is an alumnae of Pacific Union college as well as the SF Chamber of Commerce Leadership program, a prestigious program aimed to strengthen leadership skills of local, emerging leaders.