Gary Epple

Chief Technology Officer at RazorMetrics

Gary Epple is a long-term technologist with a passion for building high quality development teams and products. After graduating from the University of Connecticut as an honor’s scholar with a degree in Computer Science Engineering, Gary’s career has encompassed lead software development roles, product and engineering team leadership roles and 20+ years in technical executive management roles. His experience spans several significant markets including system software, payment processing and healthcare. An entrepreneur at heart, Gary has spent the majority of his career in startup, early stage and growth mode companies.

Gary joined RazorMetrics shortly after its inception as CTO, taking on responsibility for all

aspects of product design and implementation. His background with healthcare data and

analytics and experience with cloud-based development has provided a solid launch point for the RM technical vision and strategy. Successful (and not so successful) experiences with offshore development have led to implementation of RM’s offshore development model which is producing high quality software on schedule and under budget.

Gary’s current technical interests are in the area of large-scale data processing systems, data analytics and application of machine learning. He holds 3 patents- one in user interface design and two in data security and continues to look for new ways to apply latest technologies to solving practical problems. Gary remains an active mentor to members of the Austin high tech community.



  • Chief Technology Officer

    Current role