David C. Nalley

Partner & Director of Compliance at REISENFELD & ASSOCIATES, LPA, LLC

Mr. Nalley joined Reisenfeld & Associates in January 2010, initially leading the firm’s Kentucky foreclosure department. Later in 2010, David moved the lead the firm’s multi-state Bankruptcy group. Prior to joining Reisenfeld and Associates, Mr. Nalley was Lead Attorney in the Kentucky office of Clunk, Paisley & Associates, PSC, where he managed the Kentucky foreclosure department. Prior to that, Mr. Nalley handled general litigation matters, both as a sole practitioner, and as a partner at Murphy, Nalley & Associates. In that capacity, he was called on to handle litigation matters and try cases, not only in Ohio and Kentucky, but was requested by clients to appear specifically in matters in Courts in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Florida, Texas and Georgia. Mr. Nalley began his career in Cincinnati with Mason, Slovin & Schilling, where he handled creditors’ rights matters, foreclosures and representation of creditors in commercial and consumer bankruptcies. Mr. Nalley also authored "Turning a Blind Eye: U.S. Supreme Court Clarifies Sexual Harassment Standard in School Setting," and co-authored "The Recent Supreme Court Decision in Strumpf: The Effect on Bank of Rights of Set-Off in Bankruptcy."


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