Zoe Fox

Account Manager at Resume-Library

Zoe Fox is the Account Manager at Resume-Library. Zoe previously worked as the Client Response Coordinator at CV-Library Ltd from February 2017 to February 2019.

CV-Library is the UK's leading independent job board, boasting the largest candidate database of over 12 million CVs. They offer CV searching and job advertising, supporting over 10,000 recruiters in all sectors. Their network of over 800 career sites ensures their clients’ jobs receive maximum exposure.

Recruiters recently voted CV-Library as the UK's #1 job board, in an independent survey. They said CV-Library provides them with more applications, interviews and hires than any of our competitors.

Via their mobile app and a unique, completely user-responsive candidate area of the website, CV-Library offers job hunters the option of easily searching and applying for jobs ‘on the move’.

Zoe Fox graduated with a 2:1 foundation degree in business, management, marketing, and related support services from the University of Surrey.

They are on a team with Cameron Briggs - Head of Sales, Natasha Church - Customer Success Supervisor, and Ella Flint - Ad Agency Delivery Manager. Their manager is Lee Biggins, CEO.


  • Account Manager

    Current role