Phd Statistician

Palo Alto, United States

Job description

Rhombus is purposefully transforming the nation’s defense and national security enterprises with Guardian, its Artificial Intelligence platform for strategic, operational, and tactical decision-making at the speed of relevance. 

We are looking for people who are driven by a sense of purpose. In this role, you will solve our customer’s uniquely complex problems that others have said could not be solved, sometimes building things that have never before been built. 

You will have to accomplish these ambitious, industry-first projects on challenging timelines to meet the speed of the warfighter. Even as you apply that breathtaking creation of singular complexity, you will immediately need to move to the next complex challenge.  You will excel in this role if you are hungry to make a difference and are intellectually bold, and you’ll excel because you know that there is no other team in the world that could succeed under such conditions, and because you are proud to leave your indelible mark on the nation. And then you will smile when you hear our clients say, “If we can dream it, Rhombus can do it.” 

Come join our cross-disciplinary and world-class team of technologists who are working hard every day to deliver game-changing solutions to transform national security. 

Learn more about Rhombus and watch a demonstration of Guardian, our cutting edge AI Platform here, with additional insights here


Palo Alto, CA

Job Description

Rhombus’s PhD Statisticians will be using advanced statistical analysis to maintain and improve modeling and simulation models to drive analytically defensible decisions. They will create and apply and evaluating performance of advanced analytical and mathematical models to solve complex decision-making problems. These analytically informed decision-making augmentation frameworks enable users to more confidently select optimal courses of action.

They will use pen and paper, Python, high performance computing, cloud computing, big data analytics, and data visualization tools and techniques to improve system designs, to assist in designing models and model performance frameworks, evaluating existing models and model performance frameworks, to minimize model drift, and to achieve balanced model performance parameters based on use case specifications.

There are various opportunities within Rhombus for the right individuals to make an impact. Successful candidates will bring a systems thinking mindset, a solid foundation in statistical techniques, modeling and simulation skill sets, and the ability to communicate clearly in multiple technical contexts in a fast-paced setting. 

Required Skills/Qualifications:

  • PhD Degree in Statistics or Mathematics required. (Current PhD students will be considered)  
  • Deep experience with modeling and simulation (multi-scale)

Preferred Skills/Qualifications

  • Experience and knowledge of modern data analysis and data management techniques. We're seeking candidates who can code efficiently in Python (R is a good foundation). 
  • Experience in the use of linear programming, principal component analysis, cluster analysis, univariate and multivariate regression analysis, reliability, and time-series analysis methods to form predictive models for specific response variables.
  • Advanced skills in Excel, including complex formulas and Cognos Report Studio/Framework Manager, VBA, JMP, MATLAB, Minitab, R, SAS, and BI tools/frameworks.
  • Experience presenting and leading with substantial exposure and involvement with data science, cloud infrastructure, solution architecture, application development, and data engineering.
  • Effectively work across teams to problem solve, define scope, write technical specifications, quantify and track success metrics, and manage against a plan.
  • Excellent presentation, written, communication with keen attention to detail, and interpersonal skills.


  • Full medical, dental, vision coverage for employee and dependents 
  • 401k matching program 
  • PTO and Holidays 
  • Bonus and other incentive programs
  • Access to mental health program
  • Access to Flexible Spending Accounts for Health Care, Dependent and Commuter

About Rhombus 

Rhombus Power Inc. (Rhombus) is a startup located in the heart of Silicon Valley at Stanford Research Park in Palo Alto.  We use cutting-edge cross-disciplinary approaches to solve pressing Big Data and Sensing problems in security, energy, and healthcare. Our advisory board includes two Nobel Laureates and a Draper Prize winner. 

Rhombus compensates, motivates, and develops employees, who are trusted, empowered, and involved. Employees have clear roles and expectations – and their roles are flexible enough to move at the speed of innovation in order to meet and exceed client expectations. We have a unique culture of global purpose, rooted in the innovation and progress of Silicon Valley. 

Rhombus knows that diversity is a condition for success. We are committed to hiring and retaining a diverse workforce. We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. 


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