

Riddell (rih-DELL) is a premier designer and developer of football helmets, protective sports equipment, head impact monitoring technologies, apparel and related accessories. A recognized leader in helmet technology and innovation, Riddell is the leading manufacturer of football helmets and shoulder... Read more

Org chart

Dan Arment
President and Chief Executive Officer

Dan Arment

Dan Vooletich
Regional VP Sales (2011-current); Regional Sales Manager (2006-2011); Key Account Sales (2004-06)
Rosanne Scheeff Mba
Director Of Compensation And Benefits
Michael Oller
Executive Vice President | Revenue | Customer Experience
Erin Griffin
Senior Vice President Of Marketing And Communications
Dwayne Prelipp
Facilities & Engineering Manager
Krishna Muthyala
Ecommerce Practice | SAP ¦ Hybris Architecture & Development | Integration | Development
Aravind Kashyap
Chief Information Officer