Aviciena Santoso

Lead Fullstack Software Engineer, API Architecture Lead at Rise-X

Aviciena Santoso is a Lead Fullstack Software Engineer and API Architecture Lead at rise-x. Previously, she worked as a Course Instructor at edX and as a React Developer at Duratec Australia. She also has experience as a Substitute Instructor at 2U, an Innovation Engineer at Fugro, and a Junior Python Developer at InterMoor. Aviciena has a Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering and Computer Science from The University of Western Australia. Additionally, she has experience as an Instructor at the University of Adelaide & edX Cybersecurity bootcamp.


Previous companies

Fugro logo
Duratec Australia logo
InterMoor logo
2U logo
edX logo


  • Lead Fullstack Software Engineer, API Architecture Lead

    June, 2022 - present