Overseas Media Inc. dba RTVI


RTVI is the only independent international 24/7 Russian-language TV channel ​with a global reach of more than 75 million people. RTVI broadcasts to 65 countries and regions, including the United States, Canada, Israel, Europe, and Asia. RTVI's audience is engaged, thinking, and open to all new thin... Read more

Org chart

Eugene Piskounov
CEO/Editor-in-Chief at RTVI USA

Eugene Piskounov

Masha Tamir
VP General Manager Of Marketing /communication
Nikita Romanyuk
Head Of Commercial Distribution
Maria Kniazeva
Chief Operating Officer
Maria Kolomychenko
Deputy Editor In Chief
Anastasia Tselykh
Special Correspondent
Andrey Vukolov
Freelance Author
Dmitrii Lobanov
Jonas Shaende
Zarina Beissembina
Ivan Petrov
Freelance Visual Journalist
Lev Kapul
Producer Of Tv-show “getting Know Israel” («прогулки По Израилю»)