Saint Stephen's Episcopal School


One of the most respected college preparatory private schools in the nation, Saint Stephen’s Episcopal School offers a unique combination of world-class education and nurturing environment that enables children to thrive.





Org chart

Denise Hartnett
Head of School Admin. Coordinator
Andrew Forrester
Upper School Director & Associate Head of School
Joel Erby
Middle School Director
Jennifer Helbing
Lower School Director
Chi Klein
Director of Admissions
Angelica DeGrasse
Director of Technology
David Glaser
Director of Advancement & Marketing
Lenny Paoletti
Director of Athletics
John Affolter
Director of Campus Security
Anna Conn
Dean of Student Life & Wellness
Chris Forrest
Director of Academic Facilities
Dan Krone
Director of Athletic Maintenance
Christina Pommer
Director of Curriculum & Research
Andrew Hasbrouck
Intermediate School Director
Brittney Renneberg
Advancement Assistant