Sapp Bros

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Sapp Bros Inc. is a leading petroleum wholesale distributor with a robust offering related to refined fuels, lubricants, oil, propane, diesel exhaust fluid, compressed natural gas, kerosene, additives, solvents, and many other associated products, services, and equipment.





Org chart

Andrew Richard
CEO, Sapp Bros. & President, Sapp Bros. Petroleum

Andrew Richard

Dick Kusleika
Chief Information Officer
Tyler Marsh
Treasurer & CFO, Sapp Bros.
Craig Frantz
President, Sapp Bros. Petroleum, Inc.
Kevin Musil
VP, Sapp Bros.
Cory Dieter
VP of Operations, Sapp Bros. Travel Centers
Jeff Ryan
VP Merchandising, Sapp Bros. Travel Centers
Keith Dragoo
VP of Restaurant Operations
Jared Reorda
VP of Shop Operations
John McGargill
Divisional Controller
Katie Schrad
Human Resources Manager