Satterfield & Pontikes Construction


Satterfield and Pontikes Construction are as firmly rooted in traditional values as they are relentless in their pursuit of cutting-edge tools and technology. They are proficient in a number of delivery methods, including general contracting, construction manager-at-risk, and design-build delivery m... Read more


Houston, US




Org chart

George Pontikes
Chief Executive Officer

George Pontikes

Calen Shearer's profile picture
Calen Shearer
Vice President
Carmen Houston Ryan, CPSM's profile picture
Carmen Houston Ryan, CPSM
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Charlie Fote's profile picture
Charlie Fote
Executive Vice President
Dick Lindsay
vice president
Frank Roetzel
Executive Vice President
Jeff Brooks, FACHE
Vice President, Healthcare
Jim Muska
General Counsel
John Marshall
Vice President
Laura Pontikes
Executive Vice President, Corporate Services
Mark Dinius
Vice President - Innovation & Technology
Matthew Russell
Vice President, Aviation- Center of Excellence
Taimoor Khan
Vice President, Preconstruction
Wylan LeMaire, CPA, CIA, CFE
Director of Finance
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