Schindler India

1 follower

Our Swiss-engineered vertical transportation solutions move more than 2 billion people a day. Innovation is part of our identity. It characterizes the way we think. At the plant, in the office, at every site worldwide. It means developing solutions for our customers – Big and Small: Today and Tomo... Read more


Mumbai, India




Org chart

Nitin Chalke
President & CEO

Nitin Chalke

Husein Fakhri
Chief Financial Officer
Ankur Mehra
Head Of Sales Department
Shailesh S Vilankar
Sr. Vice President, Field Operations
Tarunesh Mathur
Senior Vice President - Existing Installation Business
Vaibhav Raghuvanshi
Head Of Talent Management, Od, Learning & Development & DEI
Savan Barlota
General Manager
Priyam Singhvi
General Counsel And Compliance Officer - India And South Asia