Michael L. Oristaglio

Owner at Seknion

Michael L. Oristaglio is co-founder and inaugural director of the Energy Studies Multidisciplinary Academic Program in Yale College and a founding faculty member of the program in Financing and Deploying Clean Energy at Yale School of the Environment. Since 2009, he has been a senior research scientist and lecturer in energy geoscience in the Yale Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences and, from 2012 to 2016, was executive director of Yale Climate & Energy Institute. Dr Oristaglio also works as a manager for the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) on collaborative industry research projects intended to further applied Earth science for industry and public benefit. Before coming to Yale in 2009, he spent 25+ years as a scientist and research manager in the geophysical services industry with Schlumberger, the leading supplier of technology and services to the global energy industry. In 2020, he gave the opening keynote address at the 90th Anniversary Meeting of the SEG. Dr. Oristaglio has undergraduate and graduate degrees in Earth Science from Yale and Oxford.


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