Mirando Ramanamahefa

Chargé De Communication Événementielle at Seqens

Mirando RAMANAMAHEFA currently serves as Chargé de communication événementielle at Seqens, focusing on event conception, organization, and communication campaigns. Previous experience includes a role as Chef de projet communication at APF Entreprises, where responsibilities encompassed event management, content creation, and performance analysis. Other positions include Chargé de production événementielle at Bpifrance and Animateur événementiel at Animastreet, with earlier experience in talent acquisition at IBM and project management at Pôle emploi. Mirando RAMANAMAHEFA holds a Master's degree in Communication Management from ISCPA, a Master's degree in Management Sciences from CIFFOP, and a Bachelor's degree in Economic and Social Administration from the University of Paris I.
