Michelle Snider

Senior Data Analyst at Service Robotics & Technologies

Dr. Michelle Snider, the immensely gifted Senior Data Analyst, works to ensure the integrity of their data collection, granting insights to clients and to their solutions team in making SRT technology ahead of the pack. Her credentials and professional background couldn’t be more impressive—an academic background in the physical sciences and pure mathematics, Dr Snider concluded her studies at Cornell, graduating with a PhD. In the decade preceding her joining Service Robotics & Technologies, she worked in federally funded research, developing technical solutions, performing R&D, and applying pure and applied mathematics to solve the NSA’s impossible problems. With all of these distinctions, Dr Snider has held leadership positions within organizations working to improve the accessibility of the STEM fields, holding an Executive Committee position at the Association for Women in Mathematics, facilitated workshops, and attended numerous conferences associated with this social goal.
