1 follower

SETPLEX offers broadcasting services for individuals to publish their own content to their desired audience.






Org chart

Lionel Dreshaj

Lionel Dreshaj

David Price
Head Of Product & Business Solutions
Alan Youngstein
Chief Operating Officer
Ishan D.
Director of Human Resources & Finance, CAO
Alina Kurchevskaya
Mobile Marketing Manager
Marc Mulgrum
Senior Vice President Of Global Sales and Marketing
Egzon Gashi
Customer Service Manager And Sales
Alexey Kudryavcev
Frontend Developer
Andrew Burdey
Devops And System Administrator Team Lead
Artsiom Adamovich
Frontend Developer
Maksim Peshko
DevOps Engineer
Dmitriy Frantsuzov
QA Engineer/Scrum-master
Eugene Shinelyov
Frontend Team Lead
Igor V.
Java QA Automation Engineer
Katerina Rak
Frontend Developer
Maksim Petrov
DevOps Engineer
Maxim Stepura
C++ Software Engineer
Roman Kamotski
JS Developer
Victor Semyonov
QA Automation Engineer
Vadim Samoilov
iOS Developer
Sergey Yurkin
Java Software Engineer
Yury Pupko
Ivan Morozov
JS developer
Artem Titovich
QA Engineer
Andrey Berenshtein
Software QA Engineer
David Savitsky
Java Developer
Raman Karseka
Javascript Developer
Narendra Jani
Presales Engineer - Lead
Alexandr Prohorets
Full stack Nodejs/TypeScript developer