Sunil D L

Mechanical Team Lead at Setty & Associates

Sunil D L is currently a Mechanical Team Lead at Setty & Associates. Prior to that, they worked as a Data Analyst at Unilog Content Solutions from August 2013 to March 2014, where they were responsible for collecting, collating and carrying out complex data analysis in support of Management & customer requests sub projects.

Sunil D L has a degree in electrical and electronics engineering from Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology in Mysore, India. Sunil has worked as an engineer for various companies in India and the United States.

Sunil D L reports to Nitesh Shah, Associate Director of Mechanical Engineering. Madhu N K - Jr. Mechanical Engineer, Ashwathnarayan S - Mechanical Engineer report to Sunil D L. Some of their coworkers include Anantha Simhan T N - Associate Team Manager, David Andrew Schell - Mechanical Engineer - Level II, and Elena Fravel - Mechanical Engineer - Level II.


  • Mechanical Team Lead

    Current role