Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton


Sheppard Mullin is a full service AmLaw 100 firm with over 900 attorneys in 15 offices located throughout California and in Chicago, Dallas, New York, Washington, D.C., Brussels, London, Seoul and Shanghai.





Org chart

Managing Partners

Michael Stewart's profile picture
Michael Stewart
General Counsel
John Keville's profile picture
John Keville
Managing Partner, Houston
Denise Giraudo's profile picture
Denise Giraudo
Managing Partner, Washington, D.C.
Curtis Dombek's profile picture
Curtis Dombek
Managing Partner, Brussels
John Stigi, III's profile picture
John Stigi, III
Managing Partner, Century City
Liisa Thomas' profile picture
Liisa Thomas
Managing Partner, Chicago
Steven Schortgen's profile picture
Steven Schortgen
Managing Partner, Dallas
Shannon Petersen's profile picture
Shannon Petersen
Managing Partner, Del Mar
John Hempill's profile picture
John Hempill
Managing Partner, Houston
Reid Whitten's profile picture
Reid Whitten
Managing Partner, London
Olivier Theard's profile picture
Olivier Theard
Managing Partner, Los Angeles
Polly Towill's profile picture
Polly Towill
Managing Partner, Los Angeles
Jeff Kern's profile picture
Jeff Kern
Managing Partner, New York
Kari Rollins' profile picture
Kari Rollins
Managing Partner, New York
Sean O'Connor's profile picture
Sean O'Connor
Managing Partner, Orange County
Steven Braccini's profile picture
Steven Braccini
Managing Partner, Silicon Valley
Randal Crispen's profile picture
Randal Crispen
Managing Partne, San Diego
Robert Guite's profile picture
Robert Guite
Managing Partner, San Francisco
Colleen McDonald's profile picture
Colleen McDonald
Managing Partner, San Francisco
Paul Kim
Managing Partner, Seoul
Linda Michaelson
Managing Partner, Corporate
Michael Zhang
Managing Partner, Shanghai
Dave Thomas
Managing Partner, Washington, D.C.
Anne Perry
Government Contracts, Investigations & International Trade Leader
Leo Caseria
Antitrust & Competition Leader
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