Cassie Jones

Event Director at

Y'all. Cassie is just one giant bleeding heart who wears all her emotions on her sleeves - or her face. Shes's a crier. She is telling you she is a crier. Whether happy tears, or emotional tears, she has a lot of tears and a lot of feelings. But she also has a lot of skills and talents that they are so very thankful for! She was a super successful photographer in Arkansas until recently. But now she is enjoying life in Showlow, Arizona as a doting wife, loving (and homeschooling) mother of three. And she's the director of the Spark conference. NBD. So thankful for her vision, her organizational skills, and her tender loving care of the Showiteer community, (in which she started out). Cassie Jones is a tender heart who blesses the hearts of everyone she encounters, and Showit could not be more thankful to have her as the events director.


  • Event Director

    Current role

  • United Director