SMITH International Gulf Services LLC


Smith International Gulf Services, LLC ‘s Fluid Sealing Division supplies a wide range of sealing products to the oil and gas industry, which include Ring Joint Gaskets, Spiral Wound Gaskets, Flat Cut Gaskets, Flange Insulation Sets etc. Fluid Sealing Division also has advanced cutting systems which... Read more


Dubai, AE




Org chart

Morgan Smith

Maher Samman
Sales Manager
Alessandro Ranisi
Senior Project Manager
David McBride
Regional Operations Manager
Jithu V
Machine Shop Manager
Michael Goveas
Inspection Manager Companywide
Jeesan Mathew
Head Of Quality
Mazhar Waheed Hussain
Head Of Information Technology
Bimaljith Balakrishnan
Drilling Department
Lancy Vas
Design Engineer & Product Drafting
Askar Mohamed Mohamed Hanife
Business Development
Helenna Jo Bernardino
Sales & Operations Support Coordinator
Oswald Rodrigues
Manufacturing Manager
Muhammad Aamir Hussain
Store Incharge/ Matrial Cordenate
Muffadal Lodhger
Senior Financial Accountant