Nancy Zimmerman

Board Member at Social Finance

Nancy Zimmerman is co-founder and managing partner of Bracebridge Capital, a leading Boston-based hedge fund manager with over $12 billion under management. Bracebridge is a pioneer in the field of absolute return investing and for over 25 years has focused on generating returns that are largely uncorrelated with broad moves in equities, currencies and rates. Bracebridge manages private investment funds serving longstanding investors that include endowments, foundations, family offices and pensions. Ms. Zimmerman began her career at O’Connor & Associates and managed the interest rate option group on a worldwide basis for Goldman Sachs before founding Bracebridge.

Ms. Zimmerman graduated from Brown in 1985, is a Trustee of the Corporation of Brown University, and now chairs the Carney Institute for Brain Science Advisory Council. Through the Carney Institute as well as the Transformative Scholars Program in Neurology at Mass General, Ms. Zimmerman has funded early-career investigators who are engaged in cutting-edge research into the brain. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Social Finance US and served for a decade on the scholar selection committee of the Institute for International Education’s Scholar Rescue Fund. Ms. Zimmerman has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic with philanthropic support for coronavirus diagnostic development at The Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard and for expansion of testing in Section 202 housing for the elderly.