Sonrisa Technologies

1 follower

Sonrisa International Inc. was founded by independent Hungarian IT professionals. Our mission is to deliver real business value to our customers by utilizing the full power of our state of the art technologies in their IT developments. We are proud that we consistently deliver scalable and reliable... Read more



Budapest, Hungary




Org chart

Gergely Dombi's profile picture
Gergely Dombi
Founder, CTO
Profile photo

Gergely Dombi

István Dénes
Technical Lead
Nandor Miklos' profile picture
Nandor Miklos
EVP Sales
Peter Varga's profile picture
Peter Varga
Head of Resource management
Jozsef Ban's profile picture
Jozsef Ban
Lead developer
Hegedüs Erwin-Tibor's profile picture
Hegedüs Erwin-Tibor
Software Engineer
Tóth Zoltán
Head of Information Technology Operations
Gergely Tuboly PhD
Software Developer
Dávid Pintér
Software Engineer
Bence Drága
Software Developer
Benjamin Zakota
Software Developer
Milan Agatonovic
Lead Software Engineer & Architect
Zoltán Szántó
Software Engineer