Jennifer Hopkins

Director at Spectra Logic

Jennifer is a Managing Partner at Crescendo Capital Partners LLC, a private investment company. Crescendo invests in mature businesses that offer an opportunity to accelerate growth and enhance profitability. She is currently CEO of one of Crescendo’s portfolio companies, American Medical. American Medical is one of the largest internet providers of prescription long term oxygen therapy equipment.

Prior to forming Crescendo, Jennifer was employed at Hewlett Packard and Agilent Technologies. Over her 20-year career, she led functional teams in R&D, Marketing and Manufacturing, and Executive General Management roles for hardware, software and services organizations. Most recently she was Vice President of the Global Solutions Business Unit, a $900M organization with 4 divisions and over 1500 employees in 35 countries. From a product perspective, she has led teams in categories ranging from Computers (workstations & servers), to semiconductors to electronic test equipment.

She is currently on the boards of Spectra Logic Corporation and Sartori Cheese, a third generation family retail and industrial provider of cheese. She is also a member of the Colorado Forum, a non-partisan business organization working to further governmental policy issues that benefit Coloradoans.

She is active in several nonprofit organizations including Craig Hospital Foundation, the NDSU Development Foundation, and the American Lung Association.

Hopkins holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from North Dakota State University, and master’s degree from Stanford University.

Jennifer lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband, Mark. She is an active ultra runner, golfer and downhill skier.