William J. Hieb

Director at S&T Bank

William Hieb, 65, has served as director of S&T since 2019. Mr. Hieb serves as the Chairperson of the Risk Committee and is a member of the Credit Risk Committee and Executive Committee. Mr. Hieb served as the president and chief executive officer of DNB, the holding company for DNB First, N.A. since April 2016 until it was acquired by S&T in November 2019. He was a director of DNB since 2005 and a Director of DNB First, N.A. since 2004. Mr. Hieb served as president and chief risk & credit officer of DNB from April 2011 to January 2016. Prior to that, Mr. Hieb served as president and chief operating officer of DNB from January 2005 to April 2011. Mr. Hieb is a board member of the West Chester University's President Corporate Advisory Council. Mr. Hieb has previously served on the board of directors for the Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry, the Chester County Historical Society, the Chester County Economic Development Council, the Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry Foundation, the Pennsylvania Bankers Association, The Housing Partnership of Chester County and Business Leadership organized for Catholic Schools. Mr. Hieb has acquired considerable knowledge and experience during his 41 years in commercial banking, including lending, credit administration and wealth management. In addition, his background supervising DNB’s risk management function and operations during his career strengthens the Board's collective qualifications, skills and experience and qualifies him to serve on the S&T Board.