The leadership team at St. Mary's Seminary & University has experience in consulting, technology, and e-learning. They have also worked as directors of technology for various organizations. Their educational backgrounds are in theology/philosophy and they have a certificate in training, consulting, and organizational development from Loyola University Chicago.
Arryn Milne
Director of Information Servic...
Bruce A. Baumgarten
Director of Communications
D. Brent Laytham
Dean of St. Mary’s Ecumenical ...
Gladstone H. Stevens
Dean of the School of Theology...
Innocent Smith
Director of Spiritual Life Pro...
James M. Starke
Director of Liturgy
Leelamma Sebastian
Director of Pastoral Formation
Paul A. Maillet
Vice Rector
Philip J. Brown
President Rector, Vice Chancel...
Thomas Raszewski
Director of the Knott Library