Celeste Huntebrinker

Vice President of Administration at Staffing Solutions

Les has many major responsibilities that keep Staffing Solutions, Inc. running smoothly. She has been with Staffing Solutions, Inc. for over 20 years. Les acts as the company’s database and network manager. Besides being in charge of the computer network, purchasing, upgrading and installing new hardware and software, Les maintains the company’s large database of information, and upgrades and improves upon it as needed. She supervises the office clerical staff, negotiating and maintaining contracts for employee health insurance and property casualty insurance. Les fulfills the duties of facilities management for both Staffing Solutions, Inc. and the other tenants of the Staffing Solutions, Inc. building by negotiating and maintaining lease agreements, contracts for services and supplies for Staffing Solutions, Inc. and its tenants. Les also designs and maintains the Staffing Solutions, Inc. website.


  • Vice President of Administration

    Current role