Zahra Shahrokh

Chief Development Officer at STC Biologics

Zahra brings a broad experience in biotechnology product development with a track record in global regulatory approvals of 5 biological products (Replagal, Elaprase, Dynepo, VIPRIV, Firazyr) and in the clinical development of dozens of novel biologics. She has more than 25 years experience in biopharmaceutical development: 10 years at Genentech as Senior Group Leader in Pharmaceutical Development and CMC team leader, 10 years at Shire HGT as both Head of Pharmaceutical and Analytical Development and then Head of CMC Program Management, followed by another 4.5 years as a CMC consultant. At STC Biologics, she provides strategic and technical leadership for the development of internal and client products, including biosimilars, antibody based products, viral products, and targeted liposomal products.



  • Chief Development Officer

    October, 2012 - present