Stillman College


For more than 137 years, accredited Stillman College, a top tier school, has prepared students for the challenges of a continuously evolving world.




Org chart

Yolanda W. Page

Claudette Smith
Chief Operating Officer
Carla Longmire
Chief of Police
Lisa Long
Chief Operations & Transformation Officer
Kylon Alford-Windfield
VP, Enrollment Management
Norman Golar
VP for Institutional Effectiveness & Research
Kimberly Woodard
VP for Institutional Advancement & Executive Director of the Stillman Foundation
Ashley Curry
Head Coach Track & Field & Cross Country
Demarcus Hopson
Executive Director, Military Student Services and Enrollment Management
Valarie H. Wilson
Senior Director of Enrollment Management
Phillip Cunningham
Safety Director
Lakeya Goins
Director, Human Resources
Tyler Davidson
Director, Development
Chanel Fort
Director, Academic Innovation
Adrienne Royster
Director, Sponsored Programs
Tomalisa Washington
Director of Student Development
James Gray, Jr.
Interim Director, Career Services & Training
Markedia Wells-Binion
Executive Assistant to the President