Brian C. McK. Henderson

Brian is the Founding Partner of Henderson International Advisors, Brian C. McK. Henderson is a senior advisor for Rockefeller Capital Management and is chairman of Chatham House Foundation. He has devoted more than 43 years to the international and domestic financial services industry and spent a major part of his career at Merrill Lynch & Co. serving in various senior roles, including Chairman of Global Public Sector and Vice Chairman, Merrill Lynch Europe, Middle East, and Africa. Prior to joining Merrill Lynch, Henderson served 14 years with Chase Manhattan Bank, where his assignments ranged from the Institutional European Banking Division to Director and Vice President for Sub-Saharan Affairs. He has been Vice Chairman of the Atlantic Council of the United States, serves as an Independent Director for Bank of Africa/BMCE Group, and is on the advisory board of the Spanish law firm Cremades & Calvo Sotelo. He is a graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.