Corey-Ann Hartwick

Councillor at Strathcona County

Corey-Ann Hartwick has been a resident of Strathcona County since 1966. She attended and graduated from Ardrossan High School and continued her studies at NAIT. Fifteen years ago Corey-Ann and her husband Greg built their home in Ward 6.

As an entrepreneur who spent over 30 years in the wholesale manufacturing industry, Corey-Ann’s passion has been bringing beautiful innovative products to the retail market and has brought great success.

Corey-Ann has been an active member on the Board for the Alberta Team Handball Federation, and continues to support the 100 Women who Care Sherwood Park chapter that supports many local charities. Always looking for ways to be active and helpful in her community has been the driving force behind her mission to support Ward 6 and Strathcona County as a whole.

Elected in 2021, Councillor Hartwick looks forward to further serving her community by representing the unique needs of the ward’s rural and urban residents.


  • Councillor

    Current role