SWK Technologies, Inc.


If you have a vision to revolutionize the way you operate your business, we're here to make it a reality. Whether it's upgrading your accounting and finance systems, automating and integrating operational processes, empowering your team, or accessing your data and applications securely from any loca... Read more

Org chart

Mark Meller
Chief Executive Officer

Mark Meller

Carla Brown's profile picture
Carla Brown
Vice President Of Partners And Alliances
Selya S.
Chief Human Resources Officer
Bj O'Reilly's profile picture
Bj O'Reilly
Chief Technology Officer
Antonio Carrion's profile picture
Antonio Carrion
Chief Marketing Officer
Alex Nastashkin's profile picture
Alex Nastashkin
Chief Revenue Officer (cro)
Diana Kyser's profile picture
Diana Kyser
Chief Operating Officer
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