The Training and Mentorship Team at Symbiosis Coaching is responsible for developing and delivering comprehensive e-learning programs and real-life coach training sessions. This team of experienced senior faculty, mentors, and trainers provides personalized mentorship and professional guidance to enhance the skills and knowledge of professionals in various art and science disciplines.
Afsheen Dattoobhai
Instructor To Life Coaches
Bina Jhaveri
Senior Faculty, Mentor
Divya Jegasundaram
Senior Faculty, Mentor
Divya Lv Jegasundara...
Senior Faculty
John Marshall
Senior Trainer
Kalindi Kale
Senior Faculty, Mentor
Kevin A. Parido
Senior Trainer
Sandhya Mathur
Senior Faculty, Mentor
Steve Kiges
Senior Faculty
Yolanda De La Mora
Senior Trainer
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