Manuel Angel Almaguer

President and CEO at Taiwan Media Music Group

Manuel Angel Almaguer is a renowned entrepreneur, recognized for his exceptional contributions to the technology and media industry in Asia. As the Founder, President, and CEO of Taiwan Media Music Group, he has made significant strides in various capacities, establishing himself as a composer, producer, developer, and entrepreneur.

Early Life and Education

Manuel Angel Almaguer's passion for business and technology began early in his life. He pursued a solid educational foundation in various fields, which has played a crucial role in his success as an entrepreneur. Throughout his academic journey, he prioritized gaining specialized knowledge in key areas relevant to the business and technology domains.

Manuel Angel obtained numerous certifications and specializations, particularly in the areas of business intelligence and analytics, stock trading, business cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence for marketing, among others. These achievements have positioned him as an expert in these fields, showcasing his profound knowledge and expertise.

Entrepreneurial Career

Manuel Angel Almaguer's entrepreneurial career has been marked by notable achievements and a profound impact on the technology and media industry in Asia. Over the years, he has founded and led several innovative companies that have gained recognition and success within their respective sectors.

In 2020, Manuel Angel established Tactacめ, a parent company that has evolved into a prominent group of companies with a significant presence in Asia. This group includes Tactac Telecommunications, Tactac FM, Tactac TV, Xenius, and Vaxcore Technologies.

Tactac Telecommunications offers telephony and web hosting services catering to both businesses and individuals. Distinguishing itself through tailored plans and specialized support for the business sector and smaller projects, the company has gained prominence in the industry.

Tactac FM, a radio station chain based in Akishima, Tokyo, has emerged as one of the most popular radio stations in the city, maintaining a stable audience of 100 thousand listeners per month. Expanding its reach to South Korea and Indonesia in 2021, Tactac FM has consolidated its presence in the broadcasting market.

Complementing Tactac FM, Tactac TV is a Tokyo-based television channel that offers diverse and captivating content for viewers, enriching the media landscape.

Xenius, initially a web hosting company prototype, was later integrated into Tactac Telecommunications. This integration strengthened the service offerings and digital capabilities, allowing Tactac to meet the evolving needs of its customers effectively.

Vaxcore Technologies, another notable venture, focuses on the development of Linux-based operating systems. These systems prioritize cybersecurity for all types of computers while ensuring optimal performance and efficient resource utilization, especially in low-resource devices. Vaxcore's flagship product, the Vaxcore OS operating system, has gained recognition for its emphasis on security and performance.

Collaborations with International Artists

In addition to his remarkable business career, Manuel Angel Almaguer has had the privilege of collaborating with renowned international artists and musical groups from various countries. Leveraging his talent and experience in the music field, he has formed fruitful partnerships with artists from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Spain, and Japan.

Throughout his collaborations with international artists, Manuel Angel has had the pleasure of working with a diverse range of talents, including Inner My Self, Love Cherry, PYT, and many other exceptional artists and musical groups. These collaborations have resulted in innovative and captivating musical productions that have resonated on the global stage.

With a multicultural perspective and an unwavering passion for musical diversity, Manuel Angel has successfully merged various musical styles and genres, creating a unique and enthralling artistic proposition. His ability to connect with artists from different countries and cultures has enriched his career and fostered exciting opportunities for the exchange and realization of ideas in the realm of music.

Personal Life

Outside of his professional endeavors, Manuel Angel Almaguer leads a balanced life, prioritizing his family and personal well-being. He enjoys exploring diverse cultures, discovering new music, and engaging in outdoor activities.


Work style

How I prefer to work



Mostly in a team

Qualities I value in my colleagues

  • Honesty
  • efficiency
  • creativity
  • patience
  • self-motivation

My communication style

  • Open
  • calm
  • positive
  • transparent
  • direct

Personal Q&A

  • What is your favourite quote?

    El amanecer nos brinda oportunidades bravías. Brotan matices de sabiduría en cada aurora, que, en su esplendor, nos enseñan la historia. —Manuel Ángel Almaguer

  • What part of your job gives you most energy?

    In my role as President and CEO of Taiwan Media Music Group, I have an unwavering passion for the success of our company and, above all, for the growth and well-being of each of our valued employees. Every day, I have the privilege of meeting with my incredible team and sharing inspiring moments that propel us to greatness. For me, the best part of my day is when we come together in the morning, with vibrant energy and renewed spirit. It is in these moments that I immerse myself in the work of motivating my team, constantly reminding them that every day is an opportunity to reach new heights and prove that they are the best at what they do. I firmly believe that success is not only based on individual skill, but on the strength and cohesion of our team. So, I instill in my employees the importance of working together, leveraging our individual strengths and supporting each other to overcome any challenges that come our way. From the heart, I convey to my employees that their passion and dedication are the driving force behind our success. I remind them that each one of them is a vital cog in the wheel of our company and that their contribution does not go unnoticed. I value their creativity, innovative ideas and commitment to excellence. My greatest satisfaction lies in seeing each member of my team grow and achieve goals that seemed unattainable. I am proud to witness their professional and personal development, and I am committed to providing them with a stimulating and enriching work environment.

  • How do you like to run meetings?

    As President and CEO of Taiwan Media Music Group, I like to organize meetings strategically and effectively. I recognize the importance of clear communication and collaboration in the success of our company, so meetings are a critical tool in achieving this. To begin with, I value the pre-planning of each meeting. Before convening participants, I define the clear objectives we want to achieve during the meeting. This includes establishing a detailed agenda with the topics to be discussed and allocating adequate time for each discussion point. During the meetings, I ensure that there is an open and participatory atmosphere. I encourage the exchange of ideas and the active participation of all attendees, giving them the opportunity to express their opinions and contribute their experience. In addition, I use facilitation techniques to keep the focus on relevant issues and ensure that concrete decisions are made. I value recognition and celebration of individual and collective achievements. During meetings, I dedicate space to highlight successes, express gratitude and recognize employees' hard work. This helps to strengthen the sense of belonging and motivates our team to continue striving for excellence. I also consider it important to establish a clear follow-up of the tasks and responsibilities agreed upon during the meeting. This involves assigning specific actions to participants and setting realistic deadlines for their completion. In this way, we ensure that the decisions made at the meeting are translated into concrete actions and tangible results.


  • President and CEO

    Current role