Systems MEA (Techvista)

1 follower

Systems MEA is an MEA-based subsidiary of Pakistan's largest IT company, Systems Limited, which houses a skilled workforce of 8000+ employees globally. Our experience spans to 4 decades with a presence across 5 continents. Our satisfied industry leading clientele of 400+ public and private instituti... Read more

Org chart

Moazzam Ali
Vice President
Nadeem Yousaf's profile picture
Nadeem Yousaf
Senior Vice President
Nauman Faroqui's profile picture
Nauman Faroqui
Vice President of Professional Services
Syed Mujtaba Ahmed Razvi's profile picture
Syed Mujtaba Ahmed Razvi
Vice President - Digital Automation Services
Omar Al Eit's profile picture
Omar Al Eit
Senior Vice President Sales - Middle East Cluster - Public Sector
Ovais Khan
Chief Operating Officer

Ovais Khan

Ovaïs A.'s profile picture
Ovaïs A.
PMO Head Qatar Operations & Outsourcing Partner
Ayifah Raza's profile picture
Ayifah Raza
Business Operations Executive