Thong Rithy

Head of iPay & Digital Business at Thaneakea Phum (Cambodia), Ltd.

Mr. THONG Rithy obtained his Degree in International Relations at Pannsastra University of Cambodia in 2011. Prior to joining LOLC (Cambodia) Plc, he drove merchant business, corporate partnership, support 138 branches, and led 100+ client acquisition officers. He hold a deputy general manager at Woori Bank. He has served banking industry during the past 14 years both international and local banks, and holding senior managerial positions before taking over as Head of iPay Sales and Digital Business LOLC (Cambodia) Plc. He has a wide range of expertise and experience in e-Business development, e-Channels banking development, B2B partnership, and smart alliance program. He provides leadership and direction to coordinates all activities of user acquisition, merchant acquisition, usage utilization, and customer retention program. He strategizes roadmap of digital business and product development to enrich user experiences via digital products and services. From 2010 to 2018, he was fully accomplished with ANZ Group, he led over 150 direct sale Wing Pilots and managed to execute sale and marketing strategy for nationwide WING’s account activation and promotion at Wing (Cambodia) Plc. Then, ANZ Royal Bank he managed portfolio of retail products (Mortgage, Personal Loan, and Credit Card), monitor VISA card’s performance and trend to minimize fraudulence transaction. He joined LOLC as Head of iPay Sales and Digital Business in August 2022.

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